Rules of Operations of the KMLK (Board decision 19/2012, reviewed 57/2014)


The Kovenatrions Municipal Library of Kozani (K.M.L.K) is numbered among the most important historic libraries in the Balkan countries, with a beginning in the second half of the 17th century, when the School of Kozani was founded and they organised their scholarly library. In 1690 we have the first handwritten catalogue with 440 volumes of books. In 1813 there is built next to the church of Saint Nicholas a small vaulted house known as the “Velitoseos House” which housed all of the books of the then small library, which was enriched by donations mainly by bishops, intellectualls, authors but also graceous Kozanites who lived in Central Europe. In 1916 the club “Reading Kozani” was founded, which recieved the books of the “House”. In 1923 the books were delivered to the Municipality and recommended the Municipal Library of Kozani. From 1986 with the decision no. 40/86 (FEK 382B’, 10-06-1986) of the Municipality, became an independent entity, and has stayed as such until today (FEK 1765/tk B’, 05-08-2011).


In the collections of the KMLK, from the contemporary pieces (after the liberation of Kozani in 1912), there are included as seperate categories: a) manuscripts, b) publications from 1494-1912, c) codes and simple writings, d) newspapers-magazines, e) the archaeologicalcollections, f) the Psarianou Library, g) the Map Library, h) the early Christian collection, and in the near future provide for the inclusion of childrens- annex- mobile.

The total collection includes over 150,000 documents, of which 45,000 (as of 2012) are scanned into the digital catalogue.

2. AIM

The KMLK gathers and maintains documents, manuscripts, books, and other material, which is used for research for the members and the wider public, contributing in this way to the development  of the soul and cultural activities of the area, by all legitimate means.


Resources of the K.M.L.K. include:

  1. The annual subsidy by the Municipality of Kozani that was written into the budget.
  1. State subsidies (eg Ministry of Education and Culture etc) or other lawful income.
  1. Contributions, donations, inheritances, and bequests.
  1. Membership fees, proceeds from performances, and generally from the services offered.
  1. Revenue from the use of any assets and property that belongs to the library.


The administration of the K.M.L.K. is appointed by the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Kozani, which is supervised, as set by the legal provisions and in particular from the Economic and Commercial Affairs.

The President of the Board supervises and controls the activities of the K.M.L.K., as such to ensure an efficient manner the effectiveness in achieving the specific/general goals and programs which are adopted. If the President is absent or unavailable, he is substituted by the Vice President of the board.

It is mandatory that the board meet at the request of the president once (1) a month. The request for the meeting is sent with paper or electronic mail three (3) days before. The board achieves a quorum with 50% plus one (1) of the members and the decisions are made by an absolute majority of those present, although in the event of a tie the presidential vote prevails. Members of the board who are absent from three (3) consecutive meetings without a just reason forfeit their position and are replaced by an alternate. The meeting minutes and decisions of the Board are recorded in a secure book.

The President represents the authority of the K.M.L.K. and executes Board decisions, having all of the responsibilities which are listed in the relevant provisions of the Municipal Codes.


The Mayor of Kozani may appoint- in the event of failure to meet the position- an employee of the Municipality, upon proposal by the President and in accordance with the Financial Regulations, who performs the duties of the duties of a financial adviser and signs payment orders, payrolls, as well as any other document relating to the financial management of the entity.


The organic composition of services of the library, the gradation of staff seats and the objects of the offices of responsibility are defined by the Economic and Commercial Affairs and the corresponding provisions of the Financial Regulation.



The collections of the library materials must primarily meet the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the readers.

The growth of the collections of the library follows such processes, aimed at continuous improvement. It is characterized by specific processes which are the way of development, and their progressive development is the growth rate. These two processes operate in combination with the identification of specific thematic categories which the library selects to focus its collections. The development policy of the collections includes a cycle of procedures, such as:

  • • Analysis of the informational needs of the peopleThe identification, analysis, and evaluation of the informational needs of the people form the base of the development policy of the library collections. This development is based on joint research methods (questionnaires, document usage statistics, applications, etc.).

    • Material Selection

    It is based on: a) the purpose and objectives of the library, b) the general thematic directional development of the collections, c) the needs of the people, from which these were obtained from the processes of analysis, d) the types and the quality of materials, e) the population, f) the statistical information of the use of documents.

    • Acquisition of Material

    The acquisition of material of the library occurs in the following ways:

  • With purchases.
  • With donations, which are included in the collection, in the library context and the individual needs.
  • With the legal documents issued in the libraries’ area of responsibility and are obligated to submitted with a copy of the author, printer, lithographer or issuer, which is given a written acknowledgment of filing (application) at the library (FEK 637/2009)
  • With exchanges, following agreements with other libraries or organizations.

The employees take care to handle the orders the deliveries of library materials in accordance with the Municipal Code, and are responsible efficient development of its collection.

Duties of employees:

  1. Electronically record deliveries under proposed material.
  2. Keep an archive with lists of the proposed material, so as to comply with the order of priority.
  3. Have the responsibility of the rational development of the collections of the library.
  4. Determine and implement the necessary processes for the supply of materials (tendering, etc.).
  5. Receive and control the material.
  6. Cooperate and return the documents to the Acceptance Committee Material of the library and the material to the Office Processing.
  7. Communicating with suppliers to address any problems.


Donations- Regulations of acceptance

For the acceptance of a donation (application) communication of the donor with the K.M.L.K. is necessary, to decide if the donation is accepted and with what terms, at the library (when it comes to the collection.)

In the event of a large volume, a list is delivered to the service, so that the library can assess the size and quality of the collection. In every event the KMLK is required for recording the donations, the means and length of time it will be kept, and the area where it is placed.

Once the donor delivers the material, it becomes property of the library, it is sealed and registered normally as any other document. The library is obliged to prepare and send a thank you letter to the donor which and a copy will be attached, if desired, to the import book.

With significant donations, if the donor requests special conditions, for example that it bear their name, such a thing can happen if this is accepted by the library. In this event the collection is recorded, and since it is sealed with its own seal, where the word “DONATION” will be visible, compact stored (ie. Unbroken) in a special area holding the special collection by its name. For this purpose, Minutes Acceptance of Donation are drawn and a petition describing the conditions for acceptance, processing, and management and is signed by both parties.



The organization of the materials of the library are in accordance with the international librarianship standards of organization of libraries, particularly the use of the Anglo-American rules of cataloging (AACR2 Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd edition), the thematic headings of the Library of Congress (Library of Congress Subject Headings), the catalogue of Thematic Headings of the National Library of Greece, the Thematic Headings SEARS. The classification of materials is in accordance with the international decimal classification system DDC (DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION).

Employee Duties

After the completion of the necessary controls, the records are sealed and entered into the entry book where they receive a serial number input according to the year.

The bibliographic data of the library materials are inputted into the automation system, although the newspapers and magazines are put on cards.

Indexing is done mainly for the local magazines.

Finally there is the technical treatment of the material, (labels, anti-theft, veneering, anti-cut sheets, etc.) and the material is ready for introduction on the shelves.

The entry of the material into the electronic directory is done with ABEKT (Library Automation National Documentation Center) library automation system, which uses the UNIMARC format.


The KMLK operates also as a lending library, and allows lending to all of its members.

To become a member of the library, one must obtain a membership card.

The registration card costs 2€ and is applicable for one (1) year.

The Lending Department includes print and audiovisual materials and covers all cognitive categories that interest users (literature, psychology, philosophy, religion, history, etc.). The collection is in the Greek language and has a few foreign books, DVD, and CD.

Lending Process

Every citizen, whoever lives in the Municipality of Kozani and wants to borrow material from the KMLK, is provided with a membership card. To obtain it you are subject to present an identity card or passport as well as a receipt from the Municipal Enterprise for Water and Sewage of Kozani for those who temporarily live in Kozani.

In the event of the loss of the membership card, the amount to reissue one is 3€.

The users must know that:

1. It is necessary for information and approval by the parent or guardian of a minor for the issuing of a card.

2. They must inform the lending office for any change in home address or telephone number, or death.

3. The membership card is strictly personal (with the possibility of attorney) and the holder must always have it with them during the lending process. They also bear the sole responsibility for any material that is entered into it.

4. No book or object of the library can be removed from the library before lending process is completed.

5. The new members must be aware of the credit conditions upon registration.

6. Until the recorded return of the material, the borrower is responsible for the material that was lent. The borrower does not have the right to lend to another the material that he borrowed. The material must first return to the Library and then the next person, who is subject to the lending process.

7. Upon its receipt and return, the material is checked and must be in good condition, or else the user will be required to replace it. In the case of loss of the material must also be replaced with a copy. If the lost or damaged book is not available in the market then it is required to be replaced with another with another book of similar value which the library will designate.

8. For late returns there is a fine of 0.10€ for every book and 0.30€ for CD or DVD every day it is late.

9. The transportation of materials lent by the KMLK outside of Greece is not allowed without previous permission by the library. Applications for these cases should be submitted in writing.

10. The term for borrowing material is 15 days for five (5) books and seven (7) days for two (2) CD or DVD.

11. The terms for borrowing documents from specific classes can be modified depending on the needs of the user (ASEP exams, assignments, qualifications, etc.).

12. For all of the material of the Lending Department, the loan period may be renewed up to one (1) more time, provided that there is no reservation of the borrowed material by another user and that the renewal was requested before the return date.

13. All of the members have the right to reserve material of the Lending Department, aside from literature (Greek Fiction, Foreign Fiction, Greek Children’s Literature and Foreign Children’s Literature). The number of reservations cannot exceed 100% of the material which each member is entitled to borrow.

14. Reservations are made on a priority basis in a similar operation of the automated system (ABEKT) and the waiting time for material is two (2) days. Information for the return of reserved book to the interested user is made by the appropriate employee. Beyond this period, the material is transferred to the next item that has reserved the item, or is is replaced on the shelves.

15. Reservations and updates can be made on site with the display of the membership card or by telephone with a confirmation number.

Renewals of overdue materials are not allowed.

16. Members who want to borrow material from the K.M.L.K. must present the material they chose to the lending office, displaying at the same time their library membership card. Then the staff scans the electronic component (barcode) of the material to the members account.

17. The members must inform the library for their permanent departure from the city of Kozani or for their decision to not use the card again.

18. However many citizens want to become members of the library can fill out a paper or electronic application from the registration form which is found at the library website. The members receiving the borrowing card upon showing their identification card or passport to the lending department and can then proceed to the borrowing process.

19. Upon return the material is checked in apart from the item condition and the account of each user to detect any debts or overdue items. The item is then scanned and the return process is complete.

20. Especially for school visits, the teacher or director obtains the corresponding application from the lending department or the electronic form and checks themselves whether the information is accurate.




The reading room of the Municipal Library operates from Monday to Friday. It aims to serve the readership and is open to all, regardless of age or place of residence.

  1. Every reader who enters the reading room is required to write their data into a register which is there for this purpose.
  2. The readers are serviced by the employee responsible for the reading room, who must record what books were borrowed by the reader in a special form of the daily statistics.
  3. Books by year of publication before each has completed a half century (50), materials (dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc), volumes from multi-volume works, large print books, art books, with many photographs, with loose content, and teaching materials are available only in the reading room.
  4. Periodicals (newspapers and magazines, in issues or bound copies) are also available only in the reading room.
  5. Documents whose condition does not allow (damaged) or are under maintenance, and unclassified records or requiring conservation, are not given for study.
  6. Documents from the closed collections1, are given for use only in the reading room, following a reasonable request by the reader/researcher to the library personnel and since permission is granted from the head.
  7. In particular, in manuscripts the old holdings and the archival material, on account of their texture and rarity, are allowed only to be accessed through a digital copy. For those that do not exist, the user can request a digital reproduction by paying the estimated amount.
  8. In the event of a thesis, graduate school work, or dissertation, the applications must be accompanied by a written recommendation from a separate letter or confirmation from the relevant faculty.

The users must also know that:

  1. The books, periodicals, etc. which are used in the reading room must be returned to the responsible employee. It is not allowed for the user to return the book to the shelves, aside from the reference books.
  2. The users must respect the space and in general keep quiet. When there is a need, e.g. for working on a group project, and it is the possibility exists, a special space will be given.
  3. The exchange of library books between readers is not allowed, without informing the responsible employee.
  4. Writing notes in books, folding pages, etc. is prohibited. For the destruction of property (Books, furniture, computers, etc.) and space in the library,
  5. In the case of a large literature research, the results are given the next day.
  6. If the reader, during peak hours, leaves the reading room for longer than fifteen (15) minutes is required to deliver the material to the employee and can use it again when they return.


The Public Information Center is a part of the library, founded under the Operational Program Information Society, integrated in the Cofinanced Development Programs III and follows the Internal Operating Regulations of the Library.

Members have a free access and specialized support in requesting information for a range of subjects, such as economic, touristic, educational, work, business, cultural, etc. at the local, regional, and international level.

The process of using the information center is:

• The user must have the “Membership Card” with them.
• They leave the “Membership Card” at the lending department and record their information in the daily form for statistics.
• When they leave their card is returned to them.


• For use of the internet it organized by order of priority, after informing the responsible employee.
• Use of the internet is permitted to adults, high school and junior high school students, and even primary school students (accompanied by a parent or guardian who is solely responsible for the access of minors on the internet).
• The duration of continuous use of the internet will be 60′ per person during peak hours. In all other cases there is no time limit. The ability to save onto the hard disc is not allowed.
• Saving files can be performed by those interested only onto external storage media (USB memory stick or CD or CDR) and from specific computers.
• The library reserves the right to commit the computers of the Information Center for educational or other reasons, which are associated with its activities.
• Any interference on the machines are expressly prohibited and the library reserves the right to seek compensation for any damage done either deliberately or even by grave negligence (regardless of intention).
• It is illegal to copy software information and will lead to any consequences by law.
• Users may use the workstations (computer) that are found in the Information Center or their personal workstation (laptop).
• Users, in every case, are responsible for access to the information and the material they come into contact with. The visible appearance of material with obvious violent or sexual extensions are not allowed.
• Users who do not conform to the rules forfeit their right to use the computer for ten (10) days. In the event of relapse the library reserves the right to deprive for a longer time, or even completely, the right to access the computer or even the complete expulsion from the area.
• The library does not “censor” the right to access the internet, it protects the individual rights of the user, in accordance with the current legislation, and does not control the content of information on the internet, and this information which is drawn from this does not mean that it is accurate, complete, current, and in the same legal, ethical, or philosophical view as the whole world.


The reproduction of materials is limited and occurs only after consultation with the librarians, who decide whether or not and in what quantity the material considering to be duplicated, keeping in mind the physical condition and the copyright laws. The billing rate includes: collecting the files, creating a storage folder, correctly controlling the records, supplies, equipment damage, labor costs, scanning, buying CD or DVD, employee labor, shipping costs with registered mail, including VAT, as the right to use the materials as designated by the KMLK. The fee is for one single use only.

Shipments by courier will be charged to the recipient.

Intellectual property rights are not granted.

As the K.M.L.K. is not the holder of the intellectual rights of the material, it reserves the right to not grant permission to publish certain documents. In any event, it is necessary for the researcher to be in compliance with N.2121/1993 about intellectual property.

The use of printers, scanners, cameras, and computer chargers are allowed only after the agreement of the librarians.

The K.M.L.K. provides the possibility of copying material if this does not endanger and cause it to suffer severe wear. The reproduction of documents published more than fifty (50) years ago is allowed only with photography or digitization.

* A copy made by the user is allowed only in the event that the library is unable to service them (e.g. due to the equipment being damaged) and is carried out following permission from the Head within the space of the library with the obligation to return to the library a copy at 300 dpi resolution.

The copies and the prints are ordered (reproduction material sheet) and received in a reasonable time.

The publication of images is necessarily accompanied by their place of origin, with the indication: K.M.L.K. as well as the individual collection (e.g. Archives Department, Photographic Archive, Psarianou Library, etc.).

A discount is given to students following the display of their student identity card.

As proof of payment for the cost of reproduction, which is required for everyone, application and the movement /document of the bank account.

Cost of photocopies

Photocopy card 3,00 € (for 50 Α4 or 25 Α3)
Color photocopies Twice the price
Prints Same as the photocopy card i.e. 50 Α4 3.00€ or 0,05
Photocopy by user* No charge (*in accordance with regulation)
Documents older than 50 years are NOT copies

Cost of digital copies

Type of use EUR/image/usage
Study, student and doctoral thesis (300 dpi) 1€ per page for individual download of 0.50 € for consecutive pages
Publication in separate, or magazines, or on television, or on the internet (300 dpi) (commercial use) 30€
Cultural, educational, or artistic activities (300 dpi) (non commercial use) 10€
cd, dvd 2 €
(already) digitized material 50%


The digitized material is available for free to users within the library and at the informational portal of in low resolution.


1. The whole digitized material has the watermark of the KMLK visible.
2.There is the opportunity to digitize material of individuals or other bodies with the payment of the corresponding fee and the obligation to file a copy in the library, when the material is deemed interesting.
3. A copy of the digital material which is ordered is held for one (1) month.
4. The prices can be adjusted by decision by the board.


For the republication of material which belongs to the collections of the KMLK and does not go against the law 2121/1993 about intellectual property, observe the below specifications in order to ensure that on the one hand private property use and on the other the uniformity of publications.

1. Indicated on the cover and/or on the back the sign of the library.

2. Indicated the series of publications of the library.

3. Copyright of the library.

4. Indicated at the header of the information is the information of the original (reissue).

5. In the case of a photocopied version, i.e. identical forms, that have the same characteristics (dimensions).

6.In the case of processed text (transcription, adaptation, etc.) the arranger-writer is indicated under the title of the work.

7. In every case, either with regards to free distribution or commercial use, a signed agreement for each of the rights of the library (e.g. rate of sales, number of copies granted, etc.).

8. Prefaced from the president and the governor.

9. Indicated by the members of the board.

The procedures followed and controlled by the library and approved before the final printing by the board.


The catalogue of the collection is electronic and available online. The search is done through the search module (OPAC) of the integrated automation system of the library Abekt 5.6. The catalogue is accessible from the internet through the central website of the library

The users can even complete applications to corresponding electronic forms (documents, digital, materials, seminars, etc.).

It also provides the possibility of sending questions (function “Ask a Librarian”) and the response to these from the staff of the library through e-mail.



  1. 1. The closed collections operate from Monday to Friday, 9:00-15:00.
    2. Users do not have access to the shelves, but they are serviced by the responsible employees.
    3. They must leave their personal belongings at the specific space that the employee will indicate to them. The library is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to personal belongings.
    4. They must use the material carefully, always keeping in mind that most of it is irreplaceable. Do not use pen and do not write on the material.
    5. To close their mobiles because their use is not allowed in the space.
    6. The material of the Closed Collections can not be borrowed.
    7. The user/researcher of the Closed Collections can use up to five books, of which can be requested to be held for 5 work days.
    8. The use of material from the Closed Collections automatically entails the commitment of the rules of the KMLK and the applicable laws and the regulations about intellectual property.
    9. Food and drink is not allowed in the area.
    10. In the event of archival material (simple writings), their use is done under the supervision of an employee.


The reading club (team) can be composed of a group of friends, but also among unknown persons who have a common interest in books.

In recent years, reading clubs are becoming more popular, both abroad and in our country, as more and more people want to share joy and excitement of reading with their fellow man, expanding their social circle and extending the individual experience collectively.

At the KMLK there are adult reading clubs with participation and new members, as well as creating other clubs (children and adults; thematic, e.g. police, psychological, etc.). Those interested (who must be registered as members of the library) can submit the relevant requests to be updated from the personnel, the announcement board, or the website.

The obligations of the members of the club (through each o the coordinators) is updating the KMLK either by writing or by e-mail with statistics (e.g. meeting dates, titles of books, reviews, presence of members, etc.).



With the beginning of every school year, circles of educational seminars for members of the library are formed, mainly for adults, as part of the services rendered by the library.

The application is made at the loaning area by hand or electronically, and with the signature of 15-20 applicants the lessons begins. Those interested are informed, either by telephone or through their personal e-mail.

The seminars. “Using New Technology”, are addressed mainly towards beginners (with minimum or no knowledge about the computer).

In particular the programs follow such themes as:

1. Information for users for the services that the Library provides.
2. Using the automated library catalogue (OPAC) as well as for other libraries that are unified in the search service through Digital Databases stored on CD-ROM, through a common user interface.
3. Access to bibliographic databases.
4. Basic services (E-mail, internet, etc.).
5. Learning technologies such as Microsoft office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access).
6. Creative writing storytelling, reading, jewelery making, consulting, etc.

To the best of their ability, the library tries to satisfy their users, taking into account individual factors such as the availability of space and costs, and it operates mainly with volunteers.



The library, to achieve its goals, can work with individuals and organizations.


1. Organize a variety of events and tours such as book presentations, speeches, educational programs, literature seminars, essays, and other events, in order to try to enlighten, to highlight, and to display the local culture and political tradition.
2. Develop and promote pan-Hellenic and international relations and cooperation.
3. Inform the readership with material relevant to its activities.
4. Accept organized visits for consultations. During the duration of the visit, the interested parties are required to comply with this regulation.
5. In the event that the Board considers that the personality of letters, arts, and humanities can help the Archive and the Collections of the Library with its creative work, then a part of planning events at the KMLK for some time will be halted. The rights, the obligations, and the operation clauses identified by the cooperation protocol must be approved by the Board in order to ensure the interests of the KMLK.

The planning of events is done at the last quarter of each year and is in regards to the next year.

Cooperation requests here.


Edits and manages the data which relates to the smooth operation of the website of the library, maintains the existing automation system, controls and supports the operation of the computers, the network, and the other software programs.

More specifically, it has the following responsibilities:

1. Preventative control and maintenance of library equipment.
2. Repair and replace damaged parts of the computers.
3. Frequently monitoring computers (viruses, support programs, back up, create statistical tables).
4. Installation, repair, and maintenance of the operating system (Windows).
5. Support-maintenance server.
6. Creation, management, and updating websites.
7. Support web management systems
8. Providing courses (Word-Excel-PowerPoint-Access) and helping online learners in conducting seminars “Using New Technologies”.
9. Constructing posters and invitations to the planned events of the library.
10. Digitization and protection, storage, watermarking, etc. of library collections.


They are part of the Lending Department of the Library, with material focusing mainly on Greek and foreign literature. The process will be done by the central library.

The environment will be tailored to the needs and interests of the users.

Example of activities at the children’s library:

• Borrowing books.
• Book reviews.
• Book games.
• Board games.
• Pedagogical games (crosswords, quizzes, word games).
• Construction and painting.
• Educational programs (projection slides, video).
• Narratives, fairy tale readings.
• Puppets shows.
• Shadow theater shows.


The library is responsible for the maintenance and restoration of the books, the archives, the cartographic and other remaining map material. It ensures the proper temperature/humidity conditions, and where the restoration of working material (if possible) or bookbinding unit or for preparing and sending them to an external partner and the control of material when it is returned.


Withdrawal is the practice of discharge or storage of material that is rarely used or not used at all.

The reasons for withdrawal are the redefinition of the goals and objectives of the library, diversification of the collections development policy, physical decay, age, lack of affairs, replacement by new technological means, the number of copies, the renewal of adoption, the inter-library loans, etc.

The inventory of material aims to detect damage, loss, and in general to renew material. The inventory is made upon the proposal of each department and Board approval. It cannot exceed three months, a period during which the department or the library- if deemed necessary- can be closed to the public.

With the completion of the inventory, a progress report is drawn up stating the results of the inventory, which material has been lost, destroyed, or must be withdrawn.


The building of the library and the Public Information Center are accessible for people with disabilities (elevator, WC). In particular, the Public Information Center is equipped with two (2) specific computers, one for people who are visually-hearing impaired and one for people who are physically disabled, who are accompanied by regional systems (Braille printer, internet).

The library will work in this direction with similar institutions for the accommodation of special groups of the population who lag due to disability, age, and health e.g. printed material in Braille or loans to domestic individuals through welfare structures of the municipality.

People with disabilities are served first.


The KMLK possesses a remarkable collection of maps, simple writings, and handmade atlases, among which the most prized possession is the twelve page Map of Riga Velestinli (1796-1797) (proclaimed a national monument of our modern cultural heritage), the four page world map of Anthimos Gazis (1800), and the world atlas of Schrambl (1786-1800). For the orginization and the promotion of this collection, in May of 2008 the Municipality of Kozani, Koventarios Municipal Library, and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki collaborated and established the Municipal Map Library with the objective of the recording, the evaluation, the mainenance, the digitization, the study, and the development of training programs, as well as the organization of exhibits with similar content.

The Map Library operates at the Lassani Mansion with permanent and temporary map exhibits. It also hosts exhibitions and other similar events, in accordance with the decisions by the Board of the KMLK, which determines its program of operation.

Schools, institutions, and organizations are served after a consultation, either written or by telephone, for the day and time of the visit, with the services of the library.


This collection, which was donated by the late bishop, is housed in a hall that bears his name and the material is given only for on site use in accordance with the rules which apply to the closed collections.

It includes, besides the personal library- together with the furniture- the libraries of Bishops who were his predecessors.

General Instructions

Each user and employee should and must be informed of and comply with this regulation and may indicate in writing any omissions and/or suggestions for the better function of the library.


• The library users upon entering the site must write their name in the daily statistics book.
• The entrance to the bookshelves must be without bags and backpacks and in accordance with the instructions of the employee.
• Food, drink, coffee, cigarettes, and mobile phones are not allowed. Any waste is thrown away into the bins.
• Pets nor any other animal should be brought with the user. An exception is made for those that are used by the blind.
• A line in order of priority should be formed where appropriate (borrowing, photocopies, card issuance, information requests, application for material, internet usage, etc.)
• Any requests must be clearly submitted to the library staff, in accordance with the library regulations, and to request any assistance from the staff in the event that they face any difficulty in its use.
• They are obliged to use the documents provided to them in a good manner (do not write on the books, do not touch the books on the binding, to not bring razors, scissors, correctives, ink, or other objects with them that can cause damage to the books, to not remove pages or photographs from the books, to inform the employee responsible for any problems, e.g. if a book is missing pages or it has cuts and needs trimming), and generally to refrain from actions that may damage the document which has been given to them.
• Users who do not listen to the rules, create problems for other users, do not comply with the requests of the staffs, or behave inappropriately are temporarily or permanently discharged from the library.
• Keeping silent is essential to the smooth operation of the library and the protection of private study.
• Users do not replace, on their own, the material that they used onto the shelves. After use, either leave the material on the desk of the department where it was taken from or at the place indicated by the library staff.
• People who come with children are responsible for their safety and their conduct within the library.
• Reservations during peak hours do not apply. Objects which have been set aside for this purpose will be removed by the employees.
• The library is not responsible for the loss or damage of any personal objects of the user.
• People with Special Needs (AMEA) have precedence over other users in all services offered by the library. In every case they should help these people.
• Users should not crowd the entrance, the corridor, and the stairway of the library. In the case of fire, earthquake, or other severe problems the instructions of the staff should be followed.
• The operator responsible for each section can prohibit individuals who violate this regulation. The prohibition of library usage is referred to the supervisor, who has the final decision.
• Users have access to all library services, within the range of the regulations, as well as to participate in educational seminars organized in the area.
• The library user can access the wireless network, after first asking and receiving the password from an employee.
• At the entrance of the library there is a suggestion box (anonymous), where everyone can write their opinions about the services provided, in order to help those here become better and electronicaly here.

Tasks and obligations of personnel

1. The library staff follows the hours of operation and are not solely employed to one section, but provide services throughout the library depending on the needs that arise.
2. It is required to perform fully and faithfully the duties assigned to them, according to their merits, by the head of the library.
3. It is obliged to help, with particular readiness, users to search and identify the evidence they need.
4. Provide information requested by using the library materials and new technologies.
5. Face users with courtesy and care to solve any problems that arise.
6. Actively participate in events, activities, and reports of the library.
7. It is encouraged and, at times, required to attend training sessions in order to further the science of training, always in relation to the objectives of the library.
8. Receive books and other material, and to place it on the bookshelves and the stands.
9. To carry out the lending of library materials and ensure their timely return.
10. Ensure the issuing of the membership card of the library.
11. Collect fines for material that is returned late and deliver them to the Financial Management Department.
12. Make updates and searches by phone.
13. Take care to protect the books and other material from vandalism, theft, and other damage, as well as the equipment.
14. Ensure the order of the material in the bookshelves, its preservation in good condition, and sending it to the service desk when it has become worn.
15. Ensure the smooth operation of each section, in compliance with the Rules of Operation and to service users. In form the head of any malfunction.
16. Advise users of the Rules of Operation and to assist them in whatever they require.

Revisions of the Rules of the Library

Revision of these rules, in matters not covered by these regulations, depending on their importance, by the decision of the president of the Board of the KMLK.

1 Closed collections means manuscripts, archival material, the publications until 1912, and those whose conditions of acquisition reported as such.

2 In the beginning of operation, the Rules will be reviewed and revised again.

Rules of Operation of the Media Lab for the public


In the Media Lab of the KMLK (which was delivered December of 2013 and became the sole foundation of the donor “Stavros Niarchos” through Future Library), you can produce and edit a video, record a digital history, record a radio spot or even your own song, do a closed meeting, or just surf the internet and have access to exclusive digital content while relaxing in a pleasant and friendly environment. In the Media Lab of the KMLK activities around the arts, technology and innovation, and access to members dominates, and is free in all places. The Media Lab consists of the following areas with their equipment*:

a. Designated internet access and interactive cooperation (co-working lounge), b. Music Studio, c. Creative space for meetings (Brain Pulse Room)

To ensure the proper functioning of the Media Lab, a set of rules for both the operation of the Media Lab as a whole and the operation of each site separately has been established. With these rules we want to ensure that the Media Lab will be pleasant and functional for all of our users.


In the area of the Media Lab food and drink (soft drinks, coffee, etc.) are not permitted. Only bottled water is allowed. The library manager has the right to deprive users, who impede the operations of the Media Lab or disturb other users, of admission to the Media Lab for a short or long time.


Using a computer

Computers can only be used only by registered members of the Library. Each computer may be used by 1 user at a time. In special circumstances, and if required for joint work, the computer can be used by two users at a time.

When using a computer do not delete/change/add programs and to change the existing computer setting is not allowed. In addition, the storage of personal files on the computer is not allowed. After the user is finished the staff will delete the stored files.

Each user can use the computer for 1 hour with the possibility to renew the time if there is not much demand.

For copying/printing/scanning, library users can contact the services for photocopying/printing/digitization– which is in accordance with the rules of the KMLK- and MUST comply with the relevant provisions of Intellectual Property Law, Related Rights and Cultural Themes (FEK A 25 1993 and FEK A 257/3-12-13)


Provided to groups of users or individuals is the option of applying to book a space- in agreement of the space of the Media Lab for the exclusive use of the group. The interested users, through an individual to represent them and who is appointed as in charge of the reservation, must apply- in agreement* before the date desired for the use of one or more areas of the Media Lab (Interactive collaboration space, Music Studio, Brain Pulse Room) and to indicate the purpose, the number of persons who will use the space, the length, and the desired date to use the space. In addition, they need to inform, in every event, for the use of the room equipment.

Those responsible are also called upon to submit an application- agreeing to sign and accept, in its entirety, the rules governing the use of the Media Lab and take full responsibility for damage and to repair anything in the event of damage (List with the cost of each item of equipment)**

Number of Persons
The number of persons who will use the space of the Media Lab may not exceed the amount of people who fit in the area. There is a maximum length of 3 hours of reservations per day.

INTERNAL EQUIPMENT LOANS (tablets and cameras with tripods) The registered users of the library can borrow tablets or cameras for use within the library. For external use it is given only for educational purposes (schools, collections, etc.) after the agreement with the head of the library.


1. For the loaning of equipment, the user is asked to give their identification card to the Library staff and to sign a statement* with which they are bound that:
they and only they will be responsible for the equipment, they will replace the equipment in the event of damage or loss, that they will return the equipment by the end of the loaning term, otherwise they will suffer the appropriate penalties.
2. Every user can borrow the equipment for a maximum of 3 hours of internal use and a maximum of 24 hours for 15 days of external use.
3. In the event that the user is late in the return of the equipment there will be a monetary fine (2 Euros a day).
4. The users must return the equipment 30 minutes before the closing of the library.
5. The deletion/change/addition of programs and the changing of the equipment configuration is not allowed.
6. The users are required to return the equipment chargers and to restore the equipment to the original settings that existed.
7. Before and after the loaning the user becomes in control of the equipment
8. In the event of need the user can borrow the charger.
9. The user should not leave the equipment unsupervised in any case.
10. In the case of the loss of equipment or charger the user will be asked to replace the equipment by paying a fee of the market price of an equipment with identical characteristics.



  • Brain Pulse Room

LCD TV Full HD LG NUC (next of computing)- central computer unit Anti-theft equipment

  • Co-working Lounge (Reading Lounge)

Computers (PCs) Router- providing internet wifi Anti-theft equipment, Interactive projector display and writing surface NUC (next of computing)- central unit Blue-ray Player,;computer (for video playback, 3D Blue-ray, CD, DVD; Printer/scanner; ceiling speakers, ceiling amplifier for speakers

  • Music Studio (& Edit Room)

iMac computer, Sound card, Two professional microphones, Microphone stands and pop filter, High spectral resolution speakers, A pair of of standard headphones, MIDI keyboard (keys), Acoustic guitar amplifier UPS (uninterrupted power source), Anti-theft equipment, Camera Security Audio editor and music production (Audio Editing and Music Production Program Steinberg Cubase 7) Collection of digital musical instruments (Software Instruments Native Complete 8)